Suzanne's Ministries

Standlake Ranch


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The Holy Spirit in Evangelism

Satan, in absolute rebellion against God for throwing him out of Heaven because of his evil, now wants to hurt God by taking as many human beings, whom he knows God loves, down to Hell with him. This has resulted in two types of people on earth

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Who is the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a spiritual person who makes us come alive spiritually. The moment we receive the Holy Spirit we become reborn in Christ, into the Kingdom of heaven and eternal life.

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Introduction: The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is given to live in the hearts of believers: He fills us in a very special way when we get baptised in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the same Holy Spirit that dwelt in Jesus and who raised Jesus from the dead.

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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are given in 3 sections

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Cultivating the Fruits of the Spirit

The first six fruits of the spirit of the Holy Spirit show in our personal lives and in our attitudes towards others.

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How to Receive the Holy Spirit

We receive the Holy Spirit when we first receive Jesus Christ into our hearts as Lord and Saviour John 20:19-20

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The Vocal Gifts of the Holy Spirit

In this lesson we will discuss the 3 vocal gifts.

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The Revelation Gifts

There are 3 revelation gifts...

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The Power Gifts

For a specific time and purpose, to accomplish a certain task. We see it happen in advance and this gives boldness to move out in faith. Do you see what the Father is doing?

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